TheSYSTEM - Prima Power PunchBend for Automatic Fabrication

TheSYSTEM: Prima Power PunchBend: Prima Power PunchBend is a new solution for automatic fabrication of high-quality, ready-bent components from cut to size material. The essential characteristic of PunchBend is tight integration of everything that is needed: software, work stages and material handling. Operation is fast since both loading and tool change are fast. The versatile, high-end Prima Power punching technology is servo-electric. It features fast set-ups, ease of operation and high capacity. In addition to high-performance punching, outstandingly accurate forming capacity is available. High repeatability facilitates forming, roll forming, marking etc. and shortens set-up times. Also automatic bending technology is servo-electric. High bending quality and accuracy are achieved through precise control of bending axes, fast and smooth bending, open programmability, and the fact that the construction is immune to changes in thermal conditions. Automatic tool c
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