«Убить толстяка: эпизод шестой» с Гари Робертсом

The scale now reads 225.4 lb.—a drop of about 45 lb. from when Gary Roberts started working out at Oceanside CrossFit. In this episode of Killing the Fat Man—called “equally fitnessed as a 20-something-year-old-girl“—the physical and mental changes in Roberts are becoming increasingly apparent. Although he moves on to a higher level in the workouts, he’s concerned about being beat by the women. “I’m a little psychologically kicking myself because I keep comin’ in last in the class,“ he says. “I look over and even grandma’s beatin’ me.“ He adds: “I would at least like to be able to dominate all women in my CrossFit gym. Is that a bad thing to say?“ Nonetheless, for the first time in his adult life—minus his years in boot camp as a teenager—he’s physically “taxed and tested“ himself to his limit, Roberts says. “It may never get easier because you’re always pushing yourself to the intensity,"
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