In this elden ring video, thanks to a mod made by LukeYui, I’m playing as Maliketh the black blade and I’ve decided to face some of the strongest bosses in the game like the Godskin duo, Fire giant, Malenia, Rykard and Radagon to a boss vs boss fight.
After playing as him I must admit that Maliketh is indeed one of the easiest and funniest bosses to play as, considering he can dodge and move very quickly and deal loads of damage with his destined death projectiles.
According to the elden ring lore, Maliketh, the Black Blade was the half-brother and sworn shadow of Queen Marika and guardian
...of the Rune of Death. Desiring a world without Destined Death, Marika took the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring and charged Maliketh with protecting it.
Maliketh’s blade was then imbued with the power of the rune, making him a fearsome foe for any who would challenge Marika’s order. After the night of the black knives, In his shame, Maliketh bound his blade within his own flesh, so thatShow more