실시간 서울 한강 라이브캠 Seoul Korea 4K Live Cam & 24/7 Lofi Radio 韓国ライブカメラ, 반포대교 야경, 로파이 라디오
24/7 Live Cam streaming the scenery of Hangang & Banpo Bridge in Seoul, South Korea. Feed is LIVE with a 30~60 sec delay. Feed can be rewound up to 12 hours prior.
☁️ 240105 Overcast and dusty in the morning, but northern winds are expected to come down later in the afternoon and clear away the smoke! Visual forecast available here:
Sunrise at 07:47 and sunset at 17:25🌇
Content on this channel cannot be reposted on Youtube without express permission, unless they are subject to Fair Use. Any copyright infringements will be subject to a Copyright Strike.
[Chat Rules]
The live chat is provided for the viewers, and should not be used as a personal chatroom. If you are here just to make friends or for chatting purposes, please go to a different channel.
• Banned topics: R 18, hate speech, harassment, politics, religion, promoting unrelated content.
• Banned behavior: Flirting, spamming, trolling, using multiple IDs.
• DON’T: exchange personal details (age/gender/SNS accounts)
• DON’T: make others speak in a specific language.
• Do not plan meetup times or use the chat as a meeting point.
• If you’re in need of therapy, please seek professional assistance.
• 친절하고 열려있는 채팅 분위기가 조성되도록 도와주시길 바랍니다, 감사합니다.
• 과도한 친목은 지양하고 있습니다.
• 분란, 시비, 외설, 혐오, 스팸성 메세지, 맥락에 관계 없는 종교 및 정치적 발언, 각종 음모론, 그 외 평온한 시청을 방해하는 행동은 제재하고 있습니다.
• 동일인이 여러 사람인 척 부계정을 사용해 채팅에 참여할 경우(다중이 놀이) 차단하고 있습니다.
Spotify Playlist:
Songs are either copyright free songs OR have received explicit permission from the artists.
Credits go to:
StreamBeats by Harris Heller👉
Artists under the Lofi Records label 👉
Lofi Geek👉
Cloud Break👉
Project AER👉
Rebecca Mardal👉
Ol Wallace👉
Lenny Loops👉
브금대통령 BGM President👉 @bgmpresident/
본 라이브캠은 개인이 운영하고 있으며, 점검 중일 때를 제외하고는 24시간 동안 실시간으로 송출됩니다. 카메라 설치 위치도, 채널주의 신상정보도 안전을 고려하여 밝히지 않고 있습니다.
카메라 이동이나 화각을 벗어난 장소를 비추는 것은 불가합니다. 화면은 녹화 없이 바로 송출되며, 송출영상 길이가 유튜브 서버 제한을 훌쩍 넘기는 관계로 파일이 서버 상에 보관되지 않습니다. 이에 12~14시간이 넘게 진행된 라이브 방송은 종료 후 영상이 소실됩니다.
Is this an official feed?
No. This channel is being run by a civilian as a hobby.
Is this really LIVE?
Yes it is. It’s easier to stream directly than create an hours-long 4K video that accurately reflects the current weather😉
Where is the camera placed?
Top secret, please don’t ask!🙅🏻♂️🙅🏻♀️
What’s that (insert building/infra)?
Here’s an overview of the key sights in the scenery:
Could you show (insert some other place in Seoul / Korea)
I’m afraid I only have this one view. You could check other Live Cams such as Yeoido and Daejeon - there’s a list on the bottom of the channel’s main page. Also “Seoul Walker“ has great walking videos of Seoul.
What are you broadcasting with?
📷 Sony a7c FE 85mm f1.8 / Canon EOS M6 Mark II (4K) EF 50mm F1.8 II
🔌 Blackmagic Mini Recorder 4K
🔌 Sonnet Echo Express SE1
🖥 2020 M1 Mac Mini
💿 OBS Studio
🎵 Spotify
Could you help me set up my own live stream?
No. My tech knowledge is limited to the equipment I have.
Could you play (insert song) for me?
This stream does not take requests due to Youtube’s strict copyright policy.
Could you add (insert song) to the playlist?
If the song is lofi/chillhop/instrumental, DM me at IG @
Something’s wrong here..
If there are any critical issues with the live feed - camera is blacked out, the audio is screeching - please leave a chat with the tag @Daily Seoul Live Camera - Hangang
1 view
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