Gintama ALL OPENINGS (1-21) FULL

Opening 1: 0:00 Opening 2: 4:28 Opening 3: 8:18 Opening 4: 11:52 Opening 5: 16:37 Opening 6: 19:41 Opening 7: 23:40 Opening 8: 27:13 Opening 9: 31:04 Opening 10: 36:04 Opening 11: 39:58 Opening 12: 43:40 Opening 13: 47:58 Opening 14: 51:31 Opening 15: 55:06 Opening 16: 58:58 Opening 17: 1:02:42 Opening 18: 1:06:00 Opening 19: 1:09:56 Opening 20: 1:13:28 Opening 21: 1:17:53 Really suprising that noone has made an updated version of all the Gintama openings. (none that I know of at least) Suprising because some of these later openings are absolute bangers and need to be listened to one after the other. My favorite opening is probably I Wanna Be... because it’s just so good (but SPYAIR in general is just an absolute joy) and just a great opening to end the Gintama series with. (until the new movie comes out haha) If y’all want, I could make an updated version of all the endings, but for now I’m pooped. Who knew video editing could eat
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