Cold Regions Warming Virtual Gallery Opening - Rossotrudnichestvo, London

The Global Water Futures programme, Canada and the Russian Culture House, UK are pleased to present a virtual gallery opening of the Cold Regions Warming Exhibition at Rossotrudnichestvo, London. A collaboration between artist Gennady Ivanov and Global Water Futures, the live event will feature remarks by Their Excellencies Mr. Andrei Kelin, Russian Ambassador to UK and Madam Janice Charette, the High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom. Cold Regions Warming presents an art-science perspective on the climate change threats to the vast cold regions shared by Russia and Canada. The burning forests, thawing permafrost, melting glaciers and declining snow and ice cover are damaging the natural capital of the vast boreal and arctic ecosystems that support our economies and the Arctic Ocean. A rescue will require an immediate mobilization for a great common endeavour, on a scale that vastly exceeds that for any previous great cause in human history. Event format: Welcome: Anton Chesnokov, Director of R
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