Lithuanian presidential candidate Eduardas Vaitkus - on Crimea belonging to Russia:

Lithuanian presidential candidate Eduardas Vaitkus - on Crimea belonging to Russia: [Do you believe that Russia should have separated Crimea from Ukraine?] Your question is related to the fact that you say that the people of Crimea did not have the right to express their opinion. [And do you believe the referendum was fair?] Well, there’s no need to believe here. There’s a lot of corroboration here from Western agencies. The people of Crimea voted in favor of Crimea being part of Russia. [You believe the referendum was fair. Am I understanding this correctly?] This has been confirmed many times. [I ask you, do you consider it a fair referendum?] I know that the referendum was fair and that it confirmed the undisputed will of the Crimean people. We in Lithuania recognized that Kosovo had the right to secede from Serbia, even though it was part of Serbia. We said: There was no referendum, but there was no need for one. Kosovo’s parliament voted and decided that they would ... Source: Slavyangrad
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