UFO over Littleton, Colorado.

Witness description: “Fire like orb during the day in Littleton, CO. On two separate occasions, the latest the 8th of March. I witnessed a glowing red-orange and white orb like a ball of fire. Hovering below the clouds from my back deck over S. HWY 85 above the light rail station that runs parallel to the East. The recordings I captured don’t pick up the color only white. I also noticed in the recordings the object seems to spin and change shape. I also provided a zoomed in pic from the first sighting with my neighbor Sarah. That was eerily similar but lasted several minutes longer on December 19, 2021.“ Source: mufon Filmed in Littleton, Colorado 3/8/2022 1:46 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: More UFO videos:
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