Belgium: Police break up party as hundreds gather defying COVID restrictions

Subscribe to our channel! Police broke up a party at a Brussels park on Saturday as hundreds gathered, defying coronavirus restrictions. “We want freedom,“ said one demonstrator as she explained her presence at the party. Police used water cannons and tear gas to break up the large crowd. The party was planned by the same organisers as the 1 April party, during which also hundreds gathered, defying coronavirus restrictions and police likewise broke up that party. *SOUNDBITE* SOT, Demonstrator 1 (French): “Why did we come?“ Demonstrator 2 (French): “Because youths want freedom.“ Demonstrator 1 (French): “We want freedom.“ Demonstrator 2 (French): “Corona has been here since we were born.“ Demonstrator 1 (French): “We don’t have any.“ Demonstrator 3 (French): “Youth starts now.“ #Brussels #Belgium #COVID19 #coronavirus Video ID: 20210502-006 Video on Demand: Contact: cd@ Twitter: Facebook
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