Video X Pix The Opening Of Misty Beethoven (Gloria Leonard, Marlene Willoughby, Constance Money) - Vintage Classic Porn 18+ Кл

More Video X Pix movies are available on [club218176671|Vintage Classic Porn 18 Классика Порно] In his erotic retelling of George Bernard Shaw’s classic play Pygmalion, master director Radley Metzger transplants the action to 1970’s New York, Rome, and Paris. We follow noted sexologist Dr. Seymour Love (Jamie Gillis) as he sets himself the challenge of transforming lowly streetwalker Misty Beethoven (Constance Money) into the world’s greatest lover. With the help of his beautiful friend Geraldine (Jacqueline Beudant), Love devises an erotic training program with the goal of seeing Misty crowned “Goldenrod Girl“ at famed publisher Lawrence Layman’s next wild party. Along the way, Misty refines her technique by seducing an impotent artist, bringing three uniformed butlers to climax simultaneously, and dallying with a rainbow-ceramic sex toy in one of the most arousing films ever created. Filmed in 3 countries on 2 continents with many of the most famous golden-age actors (including Gloria Leonard, Ras Kean, Casey Donovan and Terri Hall), featuring a witty and intelligent screenplay, and shot by award-winning cinematographer Paul Glickman, Misty Beethoven is the golden standard by which all other adult films have been measured. Includes behind the scenes 60 page Liner Note Book Studio: Video X Pix Director: Radley Metzger Cast: Jamie Gillis, Constance Money, Gloria Leonard, Marlene Willoughby, Terry Hall, Mary Stuart, Celia Cordell, Peter Andrews, Michael Gaunt, Jenny Baxter, Jaqueline Beudant, Ras Kean, Tia Von Davis, Joann Sterling Categories: Feature, Classic, Comedy, Boxed Sets, ’70s, Popular with Women, Character, Plot Oriented, Classic Plot
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