The Faceless Ones - Passport Scene (Second Doctor)

Very funny scene from “The Faceless Ones“, the partly missing 1967 eighth serial of the fourth season of classic Doctor Who, which is about an identity-stealing species known as the Chameleons. Read reviews of classic Doctor Who serials here: Who DOCTOR: Excuse me, we’re looking for someone in authority. JENKINS: Just a moment, sir. All in good time. Thank you, Madam. Now, sir, your passport please. DOCTOR: I’ve got no time for that. We want to see someone in authority! JENKINS: I am in authority. Your passport, please. DOCTOR: You don’t understand. We have something important to report. JENKINS: Yes, sir. When you’ve found your passport. The next one, please. JAMIE: What’s a passport, Doctor? DOCTOR: Some sort of official mumbo-jumbo. Look! We’ve just discovered a dead body out there. Did you hear me? JENKINS: Well, sir. If I were you I’d inform the police. DOCTOR: Then please tell me where we can find them. JENKINS: There’s probably a policeman in the main concourse, DOCTOR: And where is that? JENKINS: Through this door and turn to your left. DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you very much. Come on, Jamie. JENKINS: May I see your passport, sir? DOCTOR: We neither of us have passports! Now does that satisfy you? JENKINS: I think you must be mistaken, sir. You couldn’t have got on the aircraft without passports. DOCTOR: What aircraft? JENKINS: The one you arrived on, sir. JAMIE: We didn’t arrive on an aircraft. JENKINS: Now look here, sir, this joke’s gone on far enough. You know and I know that you must have arrived here on the last inbound flight, which was flight number 729 from Madrid. JAMIE: Can we not tell him about Tardis? Ow! (The Doctor stamps on Jamie’s foot.) JENKINS: What’s that? JAMIE: It’s the way we got here. JENKINS: You gentlemen wouldn’t know anything about a police box, would you? JAMIE: That’s just what I’m saying. We’re. Ow! DOCTOR: I really think that our mode of conveyance is irrelevant. The important thing is that we’ve discovered a dead body out there and we want to report it to someone in authority. JENKINS: I think you’ll have plenty of opportunity to see someone in authority. DOCTOR: Well, thank you. JENKINS: Will you take a seat please, over there? DOCTOR: Thank you very much. (Jenkins makes a telephone call.) JENKINS: Give me the Commandant, please. Hello, sir, Jenkins here. Immigration desk number five. I think I’ve got two of your suspects here.
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