You Must Be This Rich to Donate ► Hi, B.D. Moneybags here and if you’re reading this then you must be exceptionally rich. If you’re not, please cease any and all reading activities immediately and leave the stream. I’ll give you a minute... ...Alright, now that the have-nots are gone, it’s time to get real. Let’s face it... all those Scrooge McDuck piles of money sitting in our bank vaults aren’t doing us any good right now. The situation is getting pretty rough in the world and it’s time to put down our gold-plated Ukuleles and stop singing Imagine for 5 minutes to chip in to help those who need it. Do it out of the goodness of your heart or just do it for the tax deduction, whatever helps you sleep at night in your big stylish mansions. So open your big fat floppy wallets and shake out a little chump change to help those who actually need to save so that they can pay rent and keep food on the table. Ok? Sound good? Alright... we
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