Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Sends Fake Fox News Girls to Trump Rally • Triumph on Hulu

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog sends women posing as Fox News Girls to GOP political events to ask some tough questions. Watch Triumph on Hulu at Like Hulu on Facebook at Follow Hulu on Twitter at Follow Hulu on Instagram at Subscribe to our YouTube channel at In Triumph’s Election Special 2016, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog hits the 2016 presidential campaign trail. Viewers will be taken from Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina in a tenacious news-gathering journey in the heat of the primary election season. Triumph has already visited a Democratic Debate, a Tea Party Convention, and followed a string of Ted Cruz bus appearances. In addition to crashing campaign events and mocking the press for their thirst for controversy, Triumph will take on hard-hitting issues of concern to voters on each side of the spectrum.
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