ichigo & rukia | start of time

Watch in HD IR Month 2020: Day 06 - I see you fall to pieces like a hero HAPPY IR MONTH! “Rukia changed my fate. Rukia changed my destiny. It’s because I met her that I can be here now fighting to protect everyone.“ SO!!! Five years later, here’s the remake of one of my most famous edits! I’m a much better vidder now (thankfully) and it was a delight to remake it but add more layers to it story-wise with more scenes this time around. I still wanted to keep the editing style simple given what I wanted to convey and given the music. The original version got bl*cked bc of one ep. (pls don’t mention it) and I unfortunately hadn’t saved it elsewhere... btw the same thing happened on the first render of this edit but I had to modify the audio effects here. Anyway, about the prompt... I mixed it with that quote about Rukia giving him the power to protect everyone in mind and voila! Don’t forget to vote for m
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