The first chief engineer of Boeing was a Chinese, His story would make you cry!

From April 18 to 21, 2006, Chinese President Hu led a Chinese delegation to visit the United States. On April 19, President Hu visited the final assembly plant of Boeing in the United States. Alan Mulally, president of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, praised a man’s tremendous contribution to Boeing. The person he mentioned made all the Chinese present feel extremely proud. Some people call him “the father of Boeing“. Incredibly, the “Father of Boeing“ is actually a Chinese. In 1916, Boeing was born in a handicraft workshop in Seattle, USA, and has gradually developed into a giant in the global aerospace field over the past century. But Few people know that the early rise of Boeing is inseparable from a Chinese. He is Boeing’s first aerospace engineer-Wong Tsoo. In today’s video, we will talk about Wong Tsoo’s flying life. OK, let’s get started!
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