12. Global Worship Laws Enforced - Hal Meyer

“Defending freedom is no longer necessary. It’s an accessory. Many in both the United States and Europe like a bit of authoritarianism, and even a little racism. And the new breed of politicians seems to oblige them. In Europe, it’s Muslims. In America its Hispanics especially, though Muslims and others get their share of it too. And in Europe, Orban claims that he is going to roll back Hungary’s democratic institutions, and proclaims himself the defender of Europe’s “Christian values.” Trump on the other hand, plans to give more power to the churches if he is elected to the high office of POTUS (President of the United States).“ “Along with it is a religious undertone (witness Trump and Orban). With the Vatican in the old world, and evangelical Protestantism in the New reaching across the gulf to clasp hands, how long will it take in the new reality for populist leaders to suggest that religious worship laws would serve their countries well is anyone’s guess. But it is coming, perhaps sooner than we have thought. “Romanism in the Old World and apostate Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar course toward those who honor all the divine precepts.” Great Controversy, page 615 “ Taken from :
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