The Russian state TV made a video for the domestic audience about the child trafficking in Ukraine. Looks like a usual investiga

The Russian state TV made a video for the domestic audience about the child trafficking in Ukraine. Looks like a usual investigative video, it probably has some interesting information about the whole thing, but they couldn’t even make proper subtitles - the voiceover says “there was a hunt on Melania“, and the text says something about the Italian city of Milan. There was a mistake about the “to friends and family“ bit - the family and friends of the girl, mentioned in the video, were hiding the girl, instead of what the subtitles said. For such a serious topic they shouldn’t have half-assed anything, especially the subtitles. Never trust two things - the automatic translation programs, and the politicians that want to drag your country into the EU. #Ukraine #Trafficking #Crimes Source: The Noticer
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