1937 Paris World’s Fair In Color

The Paris International Exposition of 1937 was the last of six World’s Fairs held in Paris. It took place in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower which was built for the 1889 World’s Fair. It also took place in the shadow of the second world war. Represented by massive towers erected by the two combatants who lost the most lives in the upcoming war. Early in the film we see the Soviet Union building which is topped by a pair of golden figures. Right across from it is the Albert Speer designed tower erected by the Nazi government of Adolph Hitler. Below is a summation of the material presented. The footage was shot by Phillip Medicus an amateur film maker who is best known for the extensive color footage he made of the 1940 New York City World’s Fair. We explore early 20th century Paris in two other clips one here at ChiTownView and another on MindsiMedia Home. Paris 1925 A Ride Up The River Seine 1900 Paris Exposition Documentary by Georges Melies Music: “Fluidscape” By: Kevin MacLeod Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0“ “ 21:19:59:08 The Paris International Exposition; the Eiffel Tower; pan down the Eiffel Tower; tower with latin word “Pax” on bottom in center of semicircle of various national flags; VS Eiffel Tower; great shot from elevator ascending the Eiffel Tower, great footage of exposition grounds from top of Eiffel Tower. 21:23:42:18 LS huge soviet statue by Vera Mukhina woman and man heroically holding out sickle and hammer; plaque on bottom of Soviet Union pavilion statue. 21:24:21:20 Great low-angle shot of Vera Mukhina’s soviet pavilion statue, red soviet flag waves across frame in foreground of shot occluding part of the statue; soviet flag waving in the air; low-angle Soviet pavilion statue; great shot base of structure in Soviet pavilion, URSS sign with huge Soviet emblem beneath it; Soviet tractor combine on display at the exhibition. 21:25:38:00 Alfred Speers Tower with eagle on top at the Nazi Germany’s pavilion, pan down tower, Nazi flags waving at base of tower; cult of the body bronze statues of nude men and women in front of Nazi pavilion. 21:26:36:19 Great shot of two probably German girls standing between the legs of two giant nude statues of man and woman in front of the Nazi German pavilion. 21:26:46:07 LS pan from British to American pavilions; VS German pavilion; Canadian pavilion. 21:28:44:05 VS Egyptian pavilion, stone relief narrative at Egyptian pavilion; people crowded around Egyptian pavilion, men seated at sphinx bench in front of pavilion entrance. 21:30:04:21 Entrance to the Louvre pavilion. 21:31:26:13 LS man looking into home movie camera facing camera filming him. 21:32:09:27 Man drinking glass of Coca-Cola at soda fountain counter, huge coca-cola sign. 21:32:27:09 French Pavilion; Italian pavilion; Hungarian pavilion and Hungarian restaurant; United States pavilion. 21:33:59:09 United States Pavilion, pan over building; great shot from inside American Pavilion looking out through gossamer thin curtain at the Soviet statue and Nazi monument facing each other as though in a stand-off.  21:35:46:20 Monaco pavilion.  21:35:59:27 Israel in Palestine Pavilion, shot of large photograph of early Zionist Jewish settlers in Palestine; mural for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 21:36:38:13 Pan over mural for exposition with text “Arts et Techniques 21:36:59:29 Two towers with Italian flags on top.  21:37:40:26 Statue of Liberty at the Paris International Exposition; VS from boat sailing along the Seine through exposition grounds.  21:40:20:00 The French Colonial section; VS North African Moorish architecture built along the Seine; examples of various architecture from French colonies; Africans in traditional clothing, probably Senegalese people; VS African art; probably Algerians and more examples of Moorish architecture. 21:48:41:05 Parc de la Gaite; VS amusement park with various typical amusement park rides; White children riding on camels; Palais de la Magie show. 21:49:46:08 LS rich woman sits on a stool under a tent and has her palm read; woman doing strange dance on stage. 21:50:49:03 Audience watches actors on stage in the Hollywood stall. 21:50:59:18 VS Parachuting carnival ride, people parachuting off of tall platform, word “Avion” printed on parachute; VS carnival rides.  21:53:41:04 White man dressed in safari clothes stands on stage in front of audience with Africans in “traditional” dress, grass skirts and holding up large masks, wearing necklaces; White man in safari clothes speaks into microphone giving presentation to audience.  21:54:10:09 VS of booth to see naked women, Catholic priest standing in front of booth; CU Catholic Priest. 21:54:41:04 VS night at the Paris International Exposition; Italian pavilion nicely lit; VS different lighting displays; fireworks.
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