Calling on Achalanatha Bodhisattva

MUSIC FOR THE REMOVAL OF DISASTERS: Invocation of Achalanatha (Japanese: Fudo Myo-o, 不動明王). 不動明王短咒急速憤怒原音簡約(Acalanatha’s short mantra) with English words and melodies adopted music from the Festival of Achalanatha Bodhisattva* * ’Homage to All the Deities of the Vajra Rank’ and ’Invocation for the Removal of Disasters’ - written by Rev. Master Houn Jiyu-Kennett (Japanese: 法雲慈友ケネット, 1924-1996) - the first female to be sanctioned to teach Soto Zen Buddhism in the West.
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