WILD HORSE BRACELET Micro sculpture with a meaning

Thank you for 12:12 min of your time. My online Jewelry Shop ► Thanks to my friend Pepe for creating his brand Me&Mylife And thanks for commissioning me the crafting of a feeling through this 18K gold and diamonds bracelet with which we both feel so identified: “I’m Different” From the very beginning I was fascinated by the idea of a Wild Horse swimming/fighting against the tide. Very few sculptures define in such a simple manner what it means to sometimes feel different. When you stand up for your beliefs, your visions, your thoughts, your insides... you feel so alive, so “your own”, so confident... but sometimes also so misunderstood... that the only way left is the self conviction one, the dedication and the NO surrender. Something deep in our bones tells us that this is the right path to follow, or at least that this is our path. With Me&MyLife he managed to give substance and life to deep
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