Motor Cycling Extraordinary (1927)

Item title reads: “ Motor Cycling Extraordinary. Hazardous exhibition of gymnastics by City Police Motor Cycle Squad.“ Mexico City, Mexico Mexican motorcyclists give an excellent and entertaining display of their riding skills for crowds in a stadium. Firstly 3 or 4 riders go past and away from camera, standing on top of the saddles of their motorbikes. Another passes holding on one side with one leg stretched out high. Two riders weave, slalom style, in a very rhythmic fashion. A motorbike and side car approaches camera balanced on just two wheels, with the side car in the air. The passenger in the side car holds a hat out to the side. The next motorbike and side car drive around a hat on the ground, circling to pick it up, and is successful at the second attempt. More motorbikes pass with people piled on top in formation, and another has a man astride two motorbikes. A platform and ramp has been set up in front of the spectators, and a rider successfully does a jump and lands safely. Note: Would g
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