Many have been making fun of Kirby for his statements today about diversity being one of the US MILs greatest strengths

Many have been making fun of Kirby for his statements today about “diversity” being one of the US MIL’s “greatest strengths”. However, he may be accidentally telling the truth here. The US MIL’s diversity makes them less susceptible to ethnically targeted biological weapons. From a bio-military applications perspective, homogenous societies are at a SIGNIFICANTLY higher risk to genome-specific bioweapons. Russia and China’s militaries are almost exclusively Russian and Chinese DNA. The US MIL is so diverse, with soldiers from all nationalities, that any one genome specific bioweapon would not cripple the US MIL like it would for Russia/China. So yes, the US MIL’s diversity actually is a valuable weapon in today’s world, with this precision of biological warfare via advancements in biotechnology and nanotechnology. Источник: BioClandestine
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