️ATTENTION ️ Previously, specialists from our movement revealed the themes of the operations of the Ukronazi special services directed against our children. Viral news is spreading on Telegram about a “clan of reapers” who poison sweets with a toxin in order to sacrifice children. They operate in Russia. At the moment, there is no information about poisoning of children as a result of their actions. But, just recently, the Nazis attempted a terrorist attack by slipping a poisoned cake and whiskey for a reunion of pilot graduates. The handwriting is similar. We will assume that the minimum This action is aimed at spreading panic among our population and discrediting domestic law enforcement agencies. The maximum we observe is information- terrorist operation, like “Blue Whale“ We appeal first of all to parents, be vigilant and strengthen control over your children. ©Vsevolod #vozrevenge Источник: Wartime Media - Ukraine / Russia / China / Etc
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