Emeli Dral - The day after deployment: how to set up your model monitoring (ENG)

Data Fest Online 2020 ML REPA Track Emeli Dral is a Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Evidently AI, a startup developing tools to analyse and monitor the performance of machine learning models. Prior to that, she co-founded a startup focused on the application of machine learning in the industrial sector, and served as the Chief Data Scientist at Yandex Data Factory. She led a team of accomplished data scientists and oversaw the development of machine learning solutions for various industries - from banking to manufacturing. Emeli is a lecturer at GSOM SPbU and University, where she teaches courses on machine learning and data analysis tools. In addition, she is a co-author of the Machine Learning and Data Analysis curriculum at Coursera. In 2017, she co-founded Data Mining in Action, the largest open data science course in Russia with over 500 students in each batch. Посмотреть эфир и список треков и организаторов: Зарегистрироваться на фест и получить доступ к трекам: Вступить в сообщество: Соцсети Data Fest:
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