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VIDEO THREAD: The funeral procession for press freedom protest began outside the Department of Justice with @JenChangeFL. She says Julian Assange’s prosecution is “death of part of our First Amendment.“ She calls out Biden for saying “journalism is not a crime“ at the White House Correspondents’ dinner “while they’re simultaneously treating Julian Assange like a criminal.“ Supporters Julian Assange commemorated World Press Freedom Day this afternoon by holding a funeral procession march for press freedom in DC. “What do we want? Free Assange!“ chanted the activists, some of whom carried caskets. “When do we want it? Now!“ “1, 2, 3, 4! Let Assange out his prison door! 5, 6, 7, 8! Now, before it’s too late!“ drove a large “CENSORSHIP IS FOR LOSERS“ sign at the back of the procession with the sound of bagpipes playing.
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