Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2015┃Deep Sea Girl (Shinkai Shoujo)┃Yuuyu-P┃«English Subs Español»

Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2015【Live Concert】Deep Sea Girl - 深海少女 (Shinkai Shoujo)┃Yuuyu-P feat. Hatsune Miku┃«English, Japanese & Spanish Subtitles» (Español Subtitulos)【1080p】初音ミクマジカルミライ2015 Live at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo Japan Song Title/Name: ---------------------------- “Deep Sea Girl“ - 深海少女 (Shinkai Shoujo) by Yuuyu-P feat. Hatsune Miku Description #1: ------------------------ A two-day Magical Mirai concert that featured several never-before performed songs from Miku and the other Crypton VOCALOIDs. This concert was accompanied by a two-day exhibition, in which two different lif...e size Miku statues were unveiled. The full concert video will be available to Japanese PlayStation Plus subscribers from October 7–29, 2015. Blu-ray and DVD versions of the concert will a
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