The Tiger Lillies - Shockheaded Peter [1998] full album
(playlist down here)
““Shockedheaded peter“ are the demented children’s stories of Heinrich Hoffmann’s “Strewwelpeter“, mated with the twisted music of The Tiger Lillies. Shocking songs of naughty girls and boys, cautionary tales to chill the blood.“
*** plz. visit my channel if you seek more Tiger Lillies, I’m uploading the albums.
The songs get even more meaning when you play them in the right order. ;) ***
I totally forgot how great this album was. some of my most favorite songs are on this one. like “Snip Snip“, “Fidgety Phil“, “The Story of the Man That Went Out Shooting“ and especially “Bully Boys“ i love that one so much.. almost inspirational... almost..
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