France Korea Next Generation #5, Clément, Pierre & Normann | Glance into French journeys in Korea

Here is the fifth episode of our series “France Korea Next Generation” by the French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) in partnership with the French Embassy in Korea! Today, meet with Clément, Pierre and Normann, who share about their journey and passions in South Korea. Subtitles are available in English and in Korean! 0:13 Clément TOUZARD Clément, 33 years old, arrived in Korea in 2012 as a young logistics engineer in Bollore Logistics. The challenge was especially big as his first mission was to integrate a warehousing unit outside Seoul, and being the only French national permanently located there. What was supposed to be a 2-3 years adventure, quickly moved to 10 years working experience. Jumping to 2021, and after a 2 years opportunity in Shanghai, Clement now occupies the position of Regional Supply Chain Development manager in Royal Canin, Mars group, and is still based in Seoul. 2:01 Pierre ALGRET Pierre ALERET, 25 years old, is a marketing specialist for Bostik, subsidiary of the
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