The Tragedy of The Crow Sisters Massacre (Haunting in the Woods) || Paranormal Quest ® || S09E09

In May of 1791, this wooded area became the site of an unspeakable act. A massacre that is said to still haunt these woods to this day. Today, we will explore the area where the Crow sisters lost their lives to see if the rumors are true... Are these woods haunted? The Crow family has owned this land for generations, and the crow family has known tragedy for many many years. None of them were quite as shocking as the events of May 1791. On May 1 1791, the Crow sisters were visiting a family friend when they were attacked by a group of Native Americans and a white man believed to be William Spicer. The girls were taken captive for only moments before the men decided they were going to kill them. The 4 girls between the ages of 10 and 16 were attacked wit tomahawks, brutalized and massacred. Only one of the 4 girls was able to escape and make her way home to alert her family of the attack. In the end, the girls were memorialized on the rock from which their attackers were hiding. Their names are still ca
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