Rotting Christ - Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers (Full Album)
Band: Rotiing Christ
Album: Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Greece
Label: Century Media Records
Necromayhem (Sakis Tolis) - Guitars, Vocals
Necrosavron (Themis Tolis) - Drums
Mutilator - Bass
1. King Of A Stellar War 0:00
2. A Dynasty From The Ice 6:16
3. Archon 10:46
4. Snowing Still 14:57
5. Shadows Follow 20:39
6. One With The Forest 25:14
7. Diastric Alchemy 29:47
8. The Opposite Bank 34:47
9. The First Field Of The Battle 40:40
10. Tormentor (Kreat