The Neutral People (The Attawandaron): History, Affiliations & Culture
This is a collection of words, photos and video clips about ..
The Neutral Peoples.., their culture, background & affiliations
The Neutral Confederacy, or, Neutral Nation,, or, Neutral People are an Iroquoian-speaking North American Indigenous People who lived near the northern shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, on the west side of the Niagara River, west of the Tabacco Nation.
They are related to the Iroquois Confederation to their southeast, the Huron Peoples also living around Lake Ontario., the Erie People of the south shore of Lake Erie, the Tabacco People situated east of Lake Erie and the Susquehannocks of Central Pennsylvania.
During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the territory of the Attawandaron, as they were called by the Huron Nation, was mostly within the limits of present-day southern Ontario.
The Museum of Ontario Archaeology summarizes that territory as follows: ..”They inhabited dozens
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