To The Fore | 2015 | Director: Dante LAM | Starring: Eddie PENG, Siwon CHOI, Shawn DOU, WANG Luodan
SYNOPSIS | The success of Radiant, one of the world’s top cycling teams, is undermined when competition heats up within, between the three principal riders, each aspiring to be number one. As the code of teamwork fall by the wayside, succumbing to individual ego and ambition, who’s going to cross the finish line first?
破風 (2015) | 導演:林超賢、領銜主演:彭于晏、崔始源、竇驍、王珞丹、陳家樂、連凱、歐陽娜娜
故事大綱 | 專業單車手猶如「特種部隊」,主攻、掩護、支援,各司其職。車手要嚴守戰略、服從命令。勝負榮辱,不在個人。弘光隊 (Radiant) 的韓藉天才車手鄭知元 (崔始源 飾) 獨當一面,新人王仇銘 (彭于晏 飾) 與邱田 (竇曉 飾) 同時被鄭的驚人爆發力懾服,甘心當他的「破風手」,為他製造衝線機會。三人的完美配合,終戰勝強敵「幽靈隊」 (Phantom) 。然而,當鄭以勝利者姿態領