Mortal Kombat 9 Scorpion Fatality 1, 2, 3, Stage, and Babality (HD)

This is Scorpions “how to“ / tutorial video for Mortal Kombat 9, also the “Toasty!“ fataslity and Classic look were part of a pre-order that came with the game. Button Layout: Xbox 360 X=1 Y=2 A=3 B=4 PS3 Square=1 Triangle=2 X=3 Circle=4 PC Front Punch=1 Back Punch=2 Front Kick=3 Back Kick=4 Split Decision Toward, Down, Toward, 2 (touching) Nether-Gate Back, Toward, Back, 3 (touching) Toasty! Down, Up, Up, 2 (jump distance) Stage Fatality Toward, Up, Up, 1 (varies) Babality Down, Back, Toward, Dow
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