3 great Bodhisattvas Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara and Vajrapani — mantras and introduction

ко вниманию содержание первых шесть с половиной минут “ What are the three key aspects of Buddhist Practice? What Bodhisattvas represent these key foundations in Buddhism? How can we bring them into our lives? In this Buddha Weekly video, we introduce the Three Lords of the World, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani, the Three Great Bodhisattvas. We also present their mantras, here chanted together beautifully by Hrishi. CONTENTS 00:00 Opening: Three Great Bodhisattvas 01:16 The Three Aspects of Buddhist Practice: Wisdom, Compassion and Empowered Activities (Power) 02:58 The Two Wings of Enlightenment: Wisdom and Compassion 03:30 Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom 04:05 Avalokiteshvara Chenrezig, Bodhisattva of Compassion 04:45 Vajrapani, Bodhisattva of Power and Enlightened Activities 06:37 Mantras begin for all three Bodhisattvas (7 of each, then 1 of each, then 7 of each) - В ТАКОЙ ФОРМЕ НЕ СТОИТ ИХ СЛУШАТЬ Wisdom, Compassion and Powerful Activity Cultivating Wisdom, Compassion and Activity are the key aspects of Buddhist Practice. These are represented by the “Three Lords of the World“ — the three great Bodhisattva heroes who promised to remain in Samsara until all sentient beings are rescued. The Three Lords of the World are Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom; Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva of Compassion; and Vajrapani, Bodhisattva of Power and activities. These great Bodhisattvas appear often in Sutra (Sutta, Pali), usually with folded hands, baring their shoulder to ask the Buddha an important question. Sometimes, they are the focus, as with Avalokiteshvara speaking (with Shakyamuni Buddha listening) to the Heart Sutra — one of the most important sutras in Mahayana Buddhism. Or, with Vajrapahni as the inquirer in the Maha Vairochana Sutra. Why these Three Out of the Eight Great Ones In Buddhism, especially Mahayana, the three great Bodhisattvas, called the Three Lords of the World, are the most important practice. Why? Because they remain in our world, working to help us, and their focus is to empower wisdom and compassion. There are Eight Great Bodhisattvas, traditionally, in Buddhism, but, in many temples and practices, the Three Lords of the World are preeminent. “
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