Norfolk Broads Story AKA Boats On Norfolk Broads (1948)

Norfolk Broads, Norfolk LS Yacht tacking, girl on bows of boat. (2 shots). LS Yacht going into quiet backwater. LS Australian Mr. Nobbs cranking sails on wherry. LS and MS International yachts racing. MS Yacht, rounding buoy. LS Man on riverbank, playing a fish, taken from a boat. CU Yacht towing a dinghy. LS Wherry and small yacht. MS Yacht towing dinghy. LS Back view yachts sailing up river. LS Yachts alongside. Follow shot of yacht in mid stream. MS A boy and girl hoisting sail alongside. CU Young woman steering motor boat. LS Riverside hotel from boat, people sitting outside. MS Yachts moored alongside. MS A young couple hoisting sail. MS Two women, with trousers rolled up, swabbing fore deck of motor boat. MS Yacht passing stationary yacht. LS and MS Night material, cooking over a stove on yacht. LS Good general evening view of sailing on broads, and yacht race. MS Two yachts racing. MS Yachts rounding buoy in race. MS Good general view of yachts tied up alongside. MS Pet dog begging from a girl
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