“Surreal Moment of a Fisherman and a Whale Meeting in a Diorama!“
Two fishermen were out in their boat, quietly casting their lines into the ocean. Suddenly, a giant whale breached the surface in front of them. They watched in awe as the magnificent creature leapt out of the water and crashed back down with a mighty splash. The fishermen were both startled and thrilled by the unexpected sight. They couldn’t believe their luck at having witnessed such a magnificent display of nature. They continued to fish, but with a newfound appreciation for the vast and wondrous world beneath the waves.
Vallejo paints
AK inks
3dprime resin
Printer 3D
Elegoo Mars3 @ElegooOfficial
Printed models:
Boat and Fisherman by Explorer
Whale by Dino and Dog
Impressora 3D
Elegoo Mars3
Dois pescadores estavam em seu barco, lançando silenciosamente suas linhas no oceano. De repente, uma baleia gigante rompeu a superfície na frente deles. Eles assistiram com admiração quando a magnífica criatura saltou para fora da água e caiu de volta com um poderoso splash. Os pescadores ficaram surpresos e emocionados com a visão inesperada. Eles não podiam acreditar na sorte de terem testemunhado uma exibição tão magnífica da natureza. Eles continuaram a pescar, mas com uma nova apreciação pelo vasto e maravilhoso mundo sob as ondas.
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