NEW GUINEA: World War 2: General Blamey reviews Australian troops (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Thomas Blamey reviews famous Sixth Division of Australian Army - heroes of campaigns in Tobruk, Greece and Rabaul. Full Description: NEW GUINEA: EXT GV pan Australian troops lined up on parade ground. Angle shot Australian troops lined up on parade ground. GV armoured cars pulling cars past. Angle shot tanks driving past. FV General Thomas Blamey (Australian Army) at the salute on stand. GV Australian troops marching past. CU troops marching past. LV troops marching past. Military - Ceremonial; Personalities - Armed Forces; Military - Ceremonial; British Empire; Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell (1883-1950), Sir Thomas Blamey (1884-1951) Background: General Thomas Blamey reviews famous Sixth Division of Australian Army - heroes of campaigns in Tobruk, Greece and Rabaul. FILM ID: VLVA93DSO3RE94WMF3KQO12X6E5I To license this film, visit
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