Class III Camouflage Treatment with Premolar Extraction|【Chris Chang Ortho】691

3D-diagnosis is critical in CIII diagnosis and subsequently determining proper tx plans for CIII camouflage tx while extraction decision making table guides clinicians in deciding whether ext. is necessary or not. In this case due to p’t preference four premolars were extracted to relieve crowding and low torque brackets were bonded upside down to prevent lower incisor retroclination. CIII elastics were used to correct CIII. 3D-diagnosis有助於正確診斷CIII,以及決定之後的治療計畫。拔牙分析表則可幫助醫師決定拔牙是否必要。本案例因為患者偏好非手術的治療方式,所以透過拔牙來解決牙亂,透過將low torque矯正器倒置,預防下排incisor retroclination。再利用CIII elastics來矯正咬合。
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