the heymacs - Wishful Thinkin’

the heymacs ride again . . literally ! Macky brought the band a (sorta) country song, in hopes of finding a compromise in their rhythm section’s long-standing debate over “Dylan OR Willie “ . . so, it’s not Willie Nelson, but it is (sorta) country. The boys were happy to have Badass Ballantine sitting in for this one (their 16th flick) and, also, Hurricane Harvey on bass (when The Cowboy was made an offer he couldn’t refuse on short notice) . . nobody actually saw The Hurricane’s face under that mask, but we’re confident it was him, as his bookie vouched for it. ( This damn plague is still front & centre as we speak, so keep in mind that if it was tough for those living on the streets before, it’s even worse now ! So, please remember to carry a little change in your pocket with the credit cards . . YOU can turn an empty pocket into a pocketful of kindness )
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