🇷🇺🇺🇦In three days, our paratroopers knocked out what Syrsky had been preparing for three months

🇷🇺🇺🇦In three days, our paratroopers knocked out what Syrsky had been preparing for three months Voenkor Marat Khairullin: ▪️Near Kleshcheevka we drove the enemy out of the Seversky Donets canal. Syrsky is fighting in this direction, the front is about 10 kilometers, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine have concentrated a group of 110 thousand people here since spring. ▪️For three months they were approaching Kleshcheevka, crossing the Seversky Donets. Last week, starting on Thursday, our paratroopers from the 61st Air Assault Regiment drove the Ukrainians back beyond the Seversky Donets in three days. ▪️Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to counterattack again, but very sluggishly, because everything is starting all over again. Источник: Cyberspec News
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