J.S. Bach: Freue dich, erlöste Schar, BWV 30 - The Church Cantatas, Vol. 121

BWV30 (24 June 1738) is a work on a grand scale, based on a secular cantata, `Angenehmes Wiederau’. The opening chorus (which is repeated at the end of the work, on a different text) is very impressive. The choir make its entrance at once. On `dich mit Wohl zu überschütten’ fugatic passages are sung, with the violins having their say high up above. The first of the bass arias, preceded by a recitative, is huge, a song of praise to God, whose name can hardly be praised enough, as is illustrated by the very long runs on the word `Name’. The next recitative and aria are for alto, the aria exciting with the first violins con sordino and the second violins plus altos pizzicato. The music illustrates the hurry of which the text speaks. Part 1 closes with a chorale, part two begins with another recitative plus aria for the bass, the recitative with nice interludes for the oboes. The aria is another extended one, and a telling illustration of the fact that the cantata is a parody work: the secular text runs
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