Col. Douglas Macgregor: Examining the Ethical Gray Areas in Modern Warfare

On October 7th, a major mishap occurred that can arguably be traced back to an over-dependence on technology. Rather than relying on traditional military presence and old-fashioned human reliance, the incident saw an overuse of surveillance techniques. This shift towards a reliance on technology in warfare brings into focus the potential perils associated with it. One of the most poignant parts of our discussion focused on the Israeli conflict with Hamas. The controversy surrounding the strategic choices Israel faces emphasizes the complexities inherent in ethical warfare. Balancing potential gains against potential losses, the conversation spotlights the consequences of various strategies, including some incredibly contentious ones. Interestingly, the discourse is not just confined to contemporary events. We delved into history, examining the standoff between Teddy Roosevelt and John D. Rockefeller over oil fields in the Middle East. This historical episode underscores the moral lines that oug
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