Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto 梁祝小提琴協奏曲 - Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra 亚洲文化乐团

Composer: He Zhanhao & Chen Gang 何占豪,陈钢 作曲 Conductor: Adrian Chiang 郑逸杰 指挥 5 Aug. 2016 NAFA Lee Foundation Theatre, Singapore 2016年8月5日于新加坡南洋艺术学院李氏基金剧场 ~ Synopsis ~ Based on the ancient Chinese folktale of The Butterfly Lovers, this music is adapted from tunes of Yue Opera in Zhejiang Province. The three main sections of the original folk tale tell of the making of sworn brothers at Cao Qiao, Zhu Ying Tai’s refusal of an arranged marriage and the reincarnation of lovers as butterflies by their graves. These three sections are presented in the sonata form – exposition, development and recapitulation of the concerto. The exposition depicts a scene of sunshine and gentle breeze, with the violin entering on a simple and beautiful love theme. An exchange between different instruments represents the friendship between Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai (the latter impersonating a male) , who eventually become sworn brothers at Cao Qiao. A subsequent lively allegro depicts the three happy years of the “brothers” studying together, while a lento section shows their reluctant parting at a pavilion. In the development section of the work, the orchestra and violin play contrasting themes to express Zhu Ying Tai’s bitterness and her strong sentiments in defying a marriage arranged by her father. A Lento passage depicts the meeting between the lovers. Thereafter, the mood of the music changes abruptly. A scintillating passage inspired by daoban rhythms from Beijing opera and xiaoban from Yue opera, illustrating Zhu Ying Tai’s sad disposition at Liang Shan Bo’s grave. All ends well when the lovers are eventually reincarnated as a pair of butterflies. Together, they flutter into the sky with newfound freedom, while the original love theme on the violin reappears, paying tribute to their everlasting love. 《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲 《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲作于1958年冬,首演由俞丽拿担任小提琴独奏。这支中国有史以来最著名的小提琴曲,完成了交响音乐民族化的创世纪。 题材是家喻户晓的民间故事,以越剧中的曲调为素材,综合采用交响乐与中国民间戏曲音乐表现手法,依照剧情发展精心构思布局,采用奏鸣曲式结构。由鸟语花香、草桥结拜、同窗三载、十八相送、长亭惜别、英台抗婚、哭灵控诉、坟前化蝶构成的曲式结构。 曲子开始几声拨弦声接着长笛,有如从天上俯瞰人间,拨开云层,人物景象逐渐变得清楚。首先由小提琴奏出主题,二长二短加上一个结束句,绵绵长长,仿佛祝英台在身旁说著昔日的故事。然后在低音重复一次主题,回到人间落了实。 管弦乐总奏主题,景象完全明了。大提琴代表的梁山伯也出现了,两人情意绵绵,渐渐的小提琴主导旋律并引进管弦乐再强调一次。等乐音渐歇,木管接续旋律慢慢落下。小提琴独奏深情舒缓带点内省的音色,表示祝英台对将来疑虑不安却坚定 。然后进入同窗三载,情绪轻快,笛声嘹亮,大提琴也婆娑起舞,有如风光明媚三月天两人春游。小提琴展现技巧,风华绝代。 相聚虽好总有分别,快乐情绪之后就是离情依依十八相送。大小提琴二重奏,紧密结合难分难舍。在这段末尾由弦乐第一次奏出哭调主题,预言悲剧结局,这构成了全曲的呈示部“相爱”。 第二段发展部里面有三小段: 快、慢、快。开始如大浪涌来的管弦乐声代表祝父的反对,小提琴则猛烈与之抗衡,两者冲突渐渐上升,最后全体合奏梁祝主题表示恋情曝光,一波波涌来浪潮终将这主题给淹没。 楼台会小提琴委婉的诉说情意,大提琴拨奏聆听。轮到大提琴倾诉爱意,小提琴一旁随和。突然,音乐急转而下,运用越剧中嚣板的“紧打慢唱”手法,梁山伯因过度悲伤绝望而病逝。 祝英台在被迎娶过门途中,停在梁山伯坟前哭灵,小提琴以凄厉声调哭出:梁兄呀!碎奏、断奏哀痛欲绝旋律,有哭
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