Sevish - Horizons (22-tone equal temperament)

Blissed-out downtempo / 22edo Closing track of my ’Horixens’ album – ’Horixens’ is an album of grooves and atmospheric electronic sounds. The tracks use various microtonal scales and alternative tunings. Some of the these sound familiar and subtle (such as 31edo meantone and the harmonic series) while others are more xenharmonic. Nerdy stuff: There are some 7th and 11th harmonics, subminor thirds, quarter tones and all that good xenharmonic stuff to listen out for. I feel happy writing in 22edo because it supports a lot of the musical tricks I want to use – patterns that aren’t possible in other systems such as 12-tone equal temperament. The new possibilities often surprise me. I wonder if others can hear some certain twentytwoishness when they listen to 22edo music. Hands down tuning of all time I used ZynAddSubFX for the synths and Bitwig Studio as my DAW running on KDE Neon. Play along using your qwerty keys (Scal
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