Warcraft 3 The Forsaken League

Warcraft III TFT The Forsaken League HD Skillshow with epic surrounds, micro, moves, tricks and special tactics DOWNLOAD HERE: (gets soon updated, got a good tip to improve quality, thx :)) watch, enjoy, rate and subscribe ;) hf! Programs used: Warcraf III The Frozen Throne Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0 Adobe After Effects CS5 Fraps Replay Seeker 1.0 ( SimpleCamera AddOn for CamMovements) Warcraft III Viewer (for Models in Video) Music (in chronological order): Immediate Music - A Call To Arms Immediate Music - Spiritus Elektros Atlas Plug - Truth Be Known Immediate Music - Epicon Immediate Music - League Of Justice Things you maybe didnt notice: 0:51 dessi takes dk’s mana; mana burn lvl 3 means 105 dmg (would have killed dk) 1:00 bm hides in shadow of the trees, so dk cant coil 1:08 dust ends first, then windwalk; coil
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