Cult of Personality, the REAL way! Weekend Wankshop lesson 155

twitter/instagram @BenEllerGuitars Skype lessons? email BenEllerGuitars@ Hey kids! On Weekend Wankshop 155, Uncle Ben here is gonna give you all a sweet free lesson on how to play the main riffs from Cult Of Personality by Living Color! I see lessons and transcriptions all the time on how to play Vernon Reid’s guitar parts in this song, and i’m afraid to report that they’re mostly fake news.... there’s no open strings used in this riff at all, and there are some really awkward positions and fingerings that you’ve got to use because of that. There’s a brief lesson Vernon did a while back floating around on Youtube where he gives a quick rundown on how to play the main runs of the song, but i wanted to give you guys something a little more in depth . hopefully this will help you nail this classic tune!
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