Pendulum’s ’Immersion’ album Mixed by Rob ’DJ Problematic’ Whitmore

The mp3 from this is available for download from my Soundcloud. So today I put this album in the CD player at work and it was on repeat ALL day. I never got sick of it, in fact I became more and more obsessed. That, combined with their incredible live show at Future Music Festival ealier this year had inspired me to mix the album into one continuous track when I got home. This is the result. I think ’Immersion’ is one of, if not the best album I’ve bought. I was going to upload footage of their live show as a picture-in-picture kind of way but I dont think Windows Movie Maker allows it. So i’ll upload the footage seperately soon. Windows Movie Maker’s frame rate did not like my strobe light. In reality the lighting effect is very different to whats shown here. Tracklist: (All tracks performed by Pendulum) 1. Genesis 2. Salt In The Wounds 3. Watercolour 4. Immunize 5. Encoder 6. Wit
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