Please turn on English subtitles to understand the lyrics of the song!
For a while, this song was very popular on TikTok, I thought about making a video, but it didn’t work out for me right away. Finally, here it is. Nothing supernatural, but such simple videos warm my soul, let me relax and just enjoy editing, and significantly save time to create more time/inspiration/mood-consuming edits (thus the channel does not stand idle for months without activity). 😉 Hope you like it too!
● Music: zhanulka - ты похож на кота [Ukrainian cover by
vioria] ()
● Anime Elsa from intro made by Fantasy Blade ()
● Names of used episodes:
* Season 1: “Stone Heart“, “The Evillustrator“, “Dark Cupid“
* Season 2: “Glaciator“
* Season 3: “Silencer“, “Oblivio“, “Startrain“, “The Puppeteer 2“, “Cat Blanc“
* Seaso
1 view
9 years ago 00:02:47 26
Miraculum: Ladybug/Marinette ~ SPEEDdrawing
8 years ago 00:03:59 50
Miraculous Ladybug Speededit All Miraculous Transformations Marinette Ladybug