【二米炊烟】25KG Loquat for Wine Making 摘50斤又大又甜的枇杷,酿成一种美味的果酒

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). I believe everyone loves loquat, right? In the early summer, there is little rain, so the loquat is extra sweet. I thought it would be good to make wine and canned by loquat. On the hot summer, listening to the cicadas and birds, Eating spicy crayfish and drinking my fruit wine What a lovely day... 枇杷這種水果應該沒有人不愛吧 初夏的時候,雨水少,所以枇杷格外甜 想着用來做枇杷酒和枇杷罐頭應該不錯 炎炎夏日,聽着蟬鳴鳥叫 吃着麻辣
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