How To DE-GOOGLE Your Phone!

Out now NBTV’s new Ebook - Beginner’s Introduction to Privacy - available at: (Note: graphene only works on Pixel phones, if you have a non pixel phone you can instal lineage, but it’s a more complicated process) Google is all over our phones. The amount of data that they’re collecting about us is astronomical, regardless of whether we’re using an iPhone or an Android. But why does it matter if Google knows so much about us? First, that data is being siphoned up by governments: Not just the US government, but governments all over the world. While we’re probably not doing anything wrong, what is considered “normal” or “acceptable” today may not be tomorrow. Regimes come and go, culture changes, but that data is forever. Second, carving out some privacy in our digital lives is important. Surveillance has dramatic effects on a society: We self-censor and conform when we know we’re being watched. Luckily there are lots of ways that we can prot
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